The book focuses on the most important diffraction effects and mechanisms influencing the scattering process and describes efficient and physically justified simulation methods – physical optics (PO) and the physical theory of diffraction (PTD) – applicable in typical remote sensing scenarios.
The material is presented in a comprehensible and logical form, which relates the presented results to the basic principles of electromagnetic theory.
The book covers:
- basic definitions and equations (Maxwell’s equations, boundary conditions, edge conditions, radiation conditions, radiation integral, scattering matrix and RCS);
- basic solution methods (separation of variables, Wiener-Hopf technique, Watson transformation, geometrical optics, geometrical theory of diffraction, physical optics, and physical theory of diffraction);
- solutions of Maxwell’s equations for basic canonical geometries (a flat material interface, a circular cylinder, a sphere, a wedge, a half plane, a circular disc, an open-ended waveguide, and a cone) and their detailed analysis;
- explanations of fundamental scattering phenomena (edge and tip singularities, reflection from smoothly curved surfaces and flat non-metallic surfaces, edge-diffracted waves, creeping waves, multiply reflected / diffracted waves, surface waves, waveguide modes, tip-diffracted waves);
- a PTD-based approach for simulation of scattering and diffraction from generally shaped targets.