Everything you need to know to launch your career infundraising
Careers in Fundraising provides expert guidance on professionalopportunities in the field of fundraising, including topics onprofessional development, on-the-job issues, and the significanceof fundraising as a career. This comprehensive resource covers allthe important aspects of the profession, and also addresses thepersonal mission and commitment necessary for success in the field.An overview of the nonprofit sector provides needed background, andsidebars from professional fundraisers and students enhance andcomplement the content of each chapter. Careers in Fundraising willhelp you:* Learn where and how to get the education and the training youneed for a career in fundraising
* Discover the personal and professional traits of a successfulfundraising professional
* Explore the many different types of positions available in thefield-and find the one that's right for you You'll find a wealth of useful, specialized material such assuccessful career case studies and tips on internationalfundraising and on-the-job stress. Relevant bibliographicinformation is featured at the end of each chapter, and listings ofhelpful Internet sites and important statistics are included.Careers in Fundraising offers up-to-date and in-depth advice forstudents interested in an exciting career and professionals lookingfor a new challenge.