Andre van Heerden is a director of The Power of Integrity Ltd. and the author of the Power of Integrity Leadership Program, which is designed to help organizations discover, define, and disseminate their vision, and to generate dynamic leadership. He has written two books on leadership: "Leaders and Misleaders" and "An Educational Bridge for Leaders". Andre has unique qualifications for dealing with the challenge of change and the need for leadership in our world today. He grew up as a cultural exile and comes from a country that doesn’t exist anymore. Since studying law at Rhodes University in South Africa, he has been a filing clerk on the Rhodesian Railways, a history teacher, a deputy headmaster, a soldier, a policeman, a refugee, an advertising writer, a creative director, an immigrant, a marketing communications strategist, an account director for leading multinational brands, a marketing consultant, a conference speaker, and an expert on leadership. His career in advertising involved working with a wide array of international blue-chip brands like Toyota, Lexus, Ford, Jaguar, Honda, Renault, Kodak, Canon, American Express, Kimberley Clark, SC Johnson, and John Deere. The leadership development program he now heads has involved working with organisations in the dairy industry, food production, retail, the financial sector, real estate, advertising, print production, governmental services, education and training, accountancy, and legal services. Andre’s interests include history, philosophy, education, and psychology - and rugby union.