Bakky Finport is an unusual name for an unusual boy. He has strange, vivid dreams that seem to be warning him. But what are they warning him about? Then “The Man” comes into his life and he is drawn into a world where the past and the present merge into one. While visiting his ancestral home in Scotland, Bakky and Arthur, his one and only friend, are tormented by creatures long forgotten, who seem intent on their destruction. Lives are at stake, as forces neither of them knew existed, challenge them in ways they could never have envisaged. If they survive, the Gods have further plans for Bakky and Arthur. In particular, it is the Jaguar God who haunts Bakky’s dreams and who will become their greatest adversary yet. And this time, a whole nation is at stake, as well as their lives. Join Bakky and Arthur on their adventures, as they try and answer riddles that have confused scholars for centuries, while trying to stay one step ahead of their enemies, both human and immortal.