Twenty million years ago, an ancient spirit was given one last chance to fulfill a mysterious purpose-by living as a dolphin on the planet Azure (Earth). Born as Ripple, she was physically swift and agile, yet emotionally fragile and misunderstood by her kind. Shunned as a dreamer and labeled a lunatic, she endured profound isolation, even from Cosmo, the scarred fighter-dolphin she loved.
Ripple’s journey took her into the heart of her fears, embodied in a monstrous cephalopod named Erishkigal. Battling terrors both within and without, she pursued an idea so revolutionary that even the universal powers narrating her story could not foresee its impact.
Set in a time before music or its echoes had ever existed, Ripple is a story of courage, creation, and the transformative power of love. As she navigates the mysteries of the ancient oceans, Ripple’s triumph will forever alter the fate of her species-and lay the foundation for an evolving human race.
This visionary and metaphysical novel blends marine environmental fantasy, mind/body/spirit themes, and philosophical depth. Often compared to Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Ripple has earned glowing acclaim worldwide, with translations in Czech and Slovak editions and representation at the 2012 Frankfurt Book Fair.
Fans of Ripple will also love Tui Allen’s latest novel, Dolphin Melody, a modern tale of healing and connection in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands. Together, these stories celebrate the profound bond between dolphins and the human spirit.