★世界級畫貓大師Susan Herbert全新藝術作品集
作者蘇珊.赫伯特(Susan Herbert)是全球最著名的畫貓藝術家,是第一位以貓為主角重現世界名畫的畫家,鮮明的主題使她的畫作保持獨特的風格。Susan Herbert於1990年出版第一本畫作《The Cats Gallery of Art》之後出版十多本系列續作─莎士比亞劇作的場景,甚至電影都可以看到貓咪的身影-包含《名畫中的貓藝術作品集》、《名畫中的貓立體書》、《印象派的貓》、《前拉斐爾派的貓》、《莎士比亞的貓》、《電影中的貓》等等,被譽為藝術界的貓咪代言人。她以自身獨具的幽默感勾勒出貓咪特有的魅力,賦予畫作無法複製的靈性,讓全世界的貓奴才一眼就能認出她的作品。
從中世紀的泥金裝飾手抄本到歐洲「古代大師」畫作:林布蘭(Rembrandt)和維梅爾(Vermeer),從印象派的宗師:莫內(Monet)到拉斐爾派代表畫家羅賽蒂(Rossetti),Susan Herbert最新作品集收錄超過139幅以上、富含藝術感又可愛到不行的名畫貓咪,所有喜愛喵咪的朋友一定要收藏!
This follow-up to the smash hit Cats Galore dives deeper into the world of Susan Herbert, whose delightful re-imaginings of some of the best-known and best-loved works of art have won her a devoted international following. Herbert’s first book, The Cats Gallery of Art, was published in 1990, and since then her work has appeared in numerous books, featuring cats in iconic works of art, as well as scenes from opera, Shakespearean plays and the movies – all with her trademark blend of humour and ability to capture those essential feline characteristics so instantly recognizable to cat lovers everywhere.
In this new compilation, furry felines take over yet more of the world’s most famous masterpieces. They crowd into the pages of the 15th-century Très Riches Heures, zoom through the air as cherubic blindfolded Cupids in Renaissance masterworks, and pose stiffly in royal portraits, before loosening things up in the 19th century as artists take paint and palette out into the countryside. Ranging from medieval illuminated manuscripts to Old Master stalwarts such as Rembrandt and Vermeer, through to the likes of Monet and Rossetti, this second helping of cats in art will delight fans everywhere of a beloved artist.