是English Vocabulary in Use初級的補充練習用書。可單獨使用或與English Vocabulary in Use初級搭配使用。
◎由世界級語料學大師Michael McCarthy 撰寫,分為英式英語版(English Vocabulary in Use) 和美式英語 版(Vocabulary in Use)。
◎內容由Cambridge International Corpus 語料庫蒐集檢索,以表格歸納單字的各式用法,課堂使用或是自 修練習兩相宜。想要加強字彙能力,千萬不能錯過此書!
◎CD-ROM 包含完整練習資源,集合錄音、播放、字典、題組等功能,提供您最豐富、最完整的學習工具。
Vocabulary tests to accompany the popular English Vocabulary in Use Elementary second edition. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition can be used on its own or with the companion volume English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition. It is a handy book of tests covering the vocabulary practiced in English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition.