曾榮獲普立茲獎、獲《時代》雜誌選為百大最具影響力人物的暢銷作家約翰‧葛林(John Green),感動人心的小說作品包括《尋找阿拉斯加》、《生命中的美好缺憾》。而非虛構的五星Podcast選集《人類事評論》,同樣展現了非凡的說故事能力,不僅橫掃各大暢銷排行榜,也在全球最大書評網站Goodreads上被票選為年度最佳書籍。約翰‧葛林為何選擇接續出版一本與結核病有關的書呢?如書中所描述的,2019 年在西非獅子山共和國的拉卡政府醫院(Lakka Government Hospital),作者遇見了一位名叫亨利·瑞德(Henry Reider)的男孩,他有著燦爛的笑容、細瘦的雙腿,是一名年輕的結核病患者。作者以其出色動人的文筆,記錄下他與亨利之間的友誼,更宏觀地推展至結核病史,將全球醫療不平等的殘酷事實呈現在讀者眼前。
結核病,這個在人類史上已存在逾千年的疾病,曾被浪漫化地被稱為詩人之病,如今則是貧窮的象徵。生活在醫療進步國家的讀者,恐怕難以想像這種可治癒、可預防的傳染病,如今仍在貧困地區蔓延,每年無情地奪走超過上百萬條生命。身兼全球健康非營利組織Partners In Health董事會成員的約翰‧葛林,曾在聯合國「終結結核病高階會議」(United Nations High-Level Meeting on the Fight toEnd Tuberculosis)上就這一議題發表演說,以期喚起世人的注意。現在他希望藉由文字和這本書的出版,感召更多人為人類的未來做出選擇、為終止結核病奮鬥,共同關注全球醫療不平等底層的人道議題。(文/博客來編譯)
John Green, the #1 bestselling author of The Anthropocene Reviewed and a passionate advocate for global healthcare reform, tells a deeply human story illuminating the fight against the world’s deadliest infectious disease. Signed edition
Tuberculosis has been entwined with humanity for millennia. Once romanticized as a malady of poets, today tuberculosis is seen as a disease of poverty that walks the trails of injustice and inequity we blazed for it.
In 2019, author John Green met Henry Reider, a young tuberculosis patient at Lakka Government Hospital in Sierra Leone. John became fast friends with Henry, a boy with spindly legs and a big, goofy smile. In the years since that first visit to Lakka, Green has become a vocal advocate for increased access to treatment and wider awareness of the healthcare inequities that allow this curable, preventable infectious disease to also be the deadliest, killing over a million people every year.
In Everything Is Tuberculosis, John tells Henry’s story, woven through with the scientific and social histories of how tuberculosis has shaped our world--and how our choices will shape the future of tuberculosis.