《第三波》是獻給那些認為人類的故事不僅沒有結束而且才剛剛開始的人。預言家托佛勒在十年前所預見的未來是:跨國企業將盛行;電腦發明使在家工作成為可 能;人們將擺脫朝九晚五的桎梏;核心家庭瓦解;自己動手做運動興起……人類邁過了第一波農業階段、第二波工業階段,現在果然生活在托佛勒所言的「第三波」 世界。變化之大衝擊又重疊,造成衝突和壓力,也帶來新生和機運。天安門事變前,趙紫陽與托佛勒會面,之後《第三波》不但解禁,所有中共領導人都奉命要精研《第三波》的理論。 中譯本由時報出版
The Third Wave makes startling sense of the violent changes now battering our world. Its sweeping synthesis casts fresh light on our new forms of marriage and family, on today's dramatic changes in business and economics. It explains the role of cults, the new definitions of work, play, love, and success. It points toward new forms of twenty-first-century democracy.
ALVIN TOFFLER advises companies and governments worldwide on advances in economics, technology, and social change. He is the authors of such classics as Future Shock, The Third Wave, Powershift, and War and Anti-War. He writes and lectures widely and monthly column appears in major newspapers around the world. He lives in Los Angeles, California.