1970年,《未來的衝擊》出版,托佛勒描繪「太快的來臨」的未來,將使個人淪入比異鄉人更惶惑的境遇。未來的社會將充滿選擇過多的「不自由」、一 用即棄的氛圍、資訊焦慮、無倫理的科技、絕望復古……。二十年後的今天,全球籠罩在渴望強人與秩序的氣氛中:垃圾污染直接承襲自用完即丟的惡習;資訊爆 炸;試管嬰兒與基因工程引發社會爭論;流行風潮愈退愈古,新時代宗教情懷瀰漫各個角落……。
Examines the effects of rapid industrial and technological changes upon the individual, the family, and society.
Predicts the pace of environmental change during the next thirty years and the ways in which the individual must face and learn to cope with personal and social change.
ALVIN TOFFLER advises companies and governments worldwide on advances in economics, technology, and social change. He is the authors of such classics as Future Shock, The Third Wave, Powershift, and War and Anti-War. He writes and lectures widely and monthly column appears in major newspapers around the world. He lives in Los Angeles, California.