What do parents do when the child they adore won’t listen? They end up nagging, issuing orders, shouting, and sometimes even spanking. But there is a better way, and Virginia K. Stowe, a parent-child educator for more than twenty-five years, shows how to minimize friction and fighting within the household in order to maximize the pleasures of family life.
Tired of Nagging? provides thirty easy-to-use tools for solving everyday conflicts, scenarios of commonplace power struggles and illustrations of the tools in action, plus an "ages and stages" guide to a child’s capabilities and needs. The readable, practical advice promotes a loving, yet firm approach, one that emphasizes working with the child to eliminate undesirable behavior without inhibiting self-esteem and independence. With Tired of Nagging?, parents can stop losing their patience and begin enjoying to the fullest all the laughter and fun of their child’s precious early years.