Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D. D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?
As the homicide investigation ratchets into a frantic statewide search for a missing child, D. D. Warren must partner with former lover Bobby Dodge to break through the blue wall of police brotherhood, seeking to understand the inner workings of a trooper’s mind while also unearthing family secrets. Would a trained police officer truly shoot her own husband? And would a mother harm her own child?
. . . TO SAVE HER?
For Tessa Leoni, the worst has not yet happened. She is walking a tightrope, with nowhere to turn and no one to trust. She has one goal in sight, and she will use every ounce of her training to do what must be done. No sacrifice is too great, no action unthinkable. A mother knows who she loves. And all others will be made to pay.
麗莎.嘉德納 Lisa Gardner
《紐約時報》犯罪小說暢銷作家,也用筆名Alicia Scott寫羅曼史小說。嘉德納在奧勒岡州(Oregon)長大,一開始從事餐飲服務業,但頭髮著火無數次後,她發現這是老天爺在暗示她該考慮轉行,後便專注於寫作。她形容自己是研究中毒者,將自己對警方辦案程序與最新鑑識學的熱愛,投注在自己十多部全美暢銷作品,包括:女警探華倫系列(Det. D.D. Warren Series,臺灣商務陸續出版本系列):《活著告訴你》(Live to Tell)、《鄰人》(The Neighbor)、《藏身處》(Hide)、《孤身一人》(Alone)、《亡命抉擇》(Love You More)、《關鍵96小時》(Catch Me);FBI心理分析員系列(FBI Profiler Series):《The Perfect Husband》、《The Third Victim》、《The Next Accident》、《The Killing Hour》、《Gone》、《Say Goodbye》;以及獨立作品《The Other Daughter》、《The Survivors Club》、《I’d Kill For That》等。版權售出英國、法國、德國、日本、瑞典、挪威、波蘭、荷蘭、捷克、葡萄牙、俄羅斯等十餘國。
Lisa Gardner is the New York Times bestselling author of thirteen novels. Her Detective D. D. Warren novels include Live to Tell, Hide, Alone, and The Neighbor, winner of the International Thriller Writers’ Award. Her FBI Profiler novels include Say Goodbye, Gone, The Killing Hour, The Next Accident, and The Third Victim. She lives with her family in New England.