This is the story of The Dawn...of history. It was the angels (not man) who first appeared from God’s creative hand to populate the Divine Estate. Theirs was a happy existence, completely untouched by sin and evil for untold centuries until one of their number became discontented and launched a revolution. That "one" was the Son of the Dawn, the very first created being. We can only imagine what a magnificent creature he must have been. By natural right he was both the civil leader and high priest of his race. However, all was not enough and the day came when he wanted more. He wanted to be like the Most High. It’s hard for us to imagine how a race of created beings could go to war against God, but they did and this is their story, set in a novel to capture the drama of the persons involved - of those who joined their patriarch in revolt, and those who stood with God in defiance of their rebellious brothers.