"Six Six Six" is the 6" x 9" ISBN# book version of the September 2010 issue of cc&d magazine (cc&d: "Children, churches and Daddies", the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine, founded 1993), v212, from Scars Publications. It has poetry by Je’free, kalifornia, CEE, Casey Cole, Max Evans, Christopher Woods, Rose E. Grier, Douglas Holder, John Thompson, Kevin Michael Wehle, Janet Kuypers, David E. Cowen, John A. Grochalski, R. N. Taber, Christopher A. Scarber, Michael S. Morris, K.D. Iredale, and Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, prose by Skibo LeBlanc, Rufus Ryan, Brian Duggan, Michael Hoag, Jason Marc Harris, Jim Meirose, and John Duncklee, and art by Nick Brazinsky, Paul Baker, Jay Marvin, Tray Drumhann, the HA!man of South Africa, Eric Bonholtzer, Mark Graham, Uzeyir Lokman CAYCI, Aaron Wilder (with Kim Rottas), David Thompson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, and Cheryl Townsend.