This book narrates a tragedy at the Grace Community Alliance Church (GCAC) congregation in Baldwin Park, California where the "shepherds" - namely: the Christian & Missionary Alliance National Office (referred to as C&MA - http: // and the C&MA South Pacific District (SPD) Superintendent (http: // - facilitated the conditions and under the pretext of the "reversionary clause" systematically preyed on the flock they are supposed to be guarding and nurturing. GCAC is one of the several C&MA congregations where these "shepherds" seized the assets without the consent of the congregation who paid for the property since inception, and the "shepherds" during the course of perpetrating the "crucifixion" of GCAC have employed manipulative, corrupt and other inappropriate tactics reminiscent of oppressors in banana republics, and unworthy of institutions claiming to be the "shepherds" and "guardians" of the church.