l 大導演史蒂芬‧史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)評論:「這本關於朱浩偉職業生涯的回憶錄,就像一幅藏寶圖,將激勵新一代的電影工作者。」
l 知名非裔女性製片人艾娃‧杜威娜(Ava DuVernay)力薦:「對有志成為藝術家和夢想家的人來說,本書是必讀之作。」
以《瘋狂亞洲富豪》(Crazy Rich Asians)入圍金球獎、聲名大噪的華裔美籍導演朱浩偉(Jon M. Chu),在這部自傳中坦率陳述身為華裔移民所面臨的自我認同掙扎,並回顧他如何在文化的衝擊與碰撞中,淋漓盡致地發揮自己的創造力,在競爭激烈的好萊塢嶄露頭角。
From visionary director Jon M. Chu comes a powerful, inspiring memoir of belonging, creativity, and learning to see who you really are.
"A must-read for aspiring artists and dreamers of all kinds."--Ava DuVernay
Long before he directed Wicked, In The Heights, or the groundbreaking film Crazy Rich Asians, Jon M. Chu was a movie-obsessed first-generation Chinese American, helping at his parents’ Chinese restaurant in Silicon Valley and forever facing the cultural identity crisis endemic to children of immigrants. Growing up on the cutting edge of twenty-first-century technology gave Chu the tools he needed to make his mark at USC film school, and to be discovered by Steven Spielberg, but he soon found himself struggling to understand who he was. In this book, for the first time, Chu turns the lens on his own life and work, telling the universal story of questioning what it means when your dreams collide with your circumstances, and showing how it’s possible to succeed even when the world changes beyond all recognition.
With striking candor and unrivaled insights, Chu offers a firsthand account of the collision of Silicon Valley and Hollywood--what it’s been like to watch his old world shatter and reshape his new one. Ultimately, Viewfinder is about reckoning with your own story, becoming your most creative self, and finding a path all your own.