A SMARTER WAY TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. Take control of your financial aid experience with this essential guide--the only annual guidebook with line-by-line instructions for completing the FAFSA aid forms!
Financing a college education is a daunting task no matter your circumstances. With line-by-line instructions for filling out the FAFSA and consumer-friendly advice to minimize college costs, Paying for College helps you take control of your experience and:- Maximize your financial aid eligibility
- Start preparing now for upcoming changes affecting student aid
- Explore long- and short-term strategies to reduce college costs and avoid expensive mistakes
- Complete every question on the FAFSA and CSS Profile aid applications to your best advantage
- Compare aid offers and learn how to appeal them if necessary
- Plan strategically as a separated/divorced parent, blended family, or independent student "A first-rate guide through the financial aid maze." --Lynn Brenner, Newsday"Can save thousands in college bills." --John Wasik, Forbes