薪資漲幅遠不及物價漲幅的大環境,讓越來越多人拋下傳統朝九晚六、加班是常態的工作型態,走上創業這條路。曾月領低薪的文科生葛蘭‧薩巴蒂爾(Grant Sabatier)體悟到「領著死薪水,退休想得美」,奮力蛻變為成功創業家,並寫下暢銷書《財務自由:提早過你真正想過的生活》。在新書《Inner Entrepreneur》中,他不藏私地提出自己精煉後的創業行動指南,帶領讀者從零開始擘畫藍圖與路徑,逐步完成創業的各個重要階段,當自己的老闆。
「作者不只談論如何獲利,更著重個人如何透過事業,成就想要的生活。作者以獨到又激勵人心方式帶領讀者,讓創業不再遙不可及,而是即刻可行!」––—《名人的第一桶金》(My First Million)節目主持人山姆‧帕爾(Sam Parr)
「本書回答了創業的棘手問題,提出強而有力的法則。對於想要做出改變、成為創業者的人來說,是極具價值的指引。」––—行銷大師賽斯‧高汀(Seth Godin)
From the creator of Millennial Money and the international bestselling author of Financial Freedom comes a comprehensive blueprint detailing how to start, build, buy, scale, and sell a business that expands your life
There’s never been a better time to become an entrepreneur. As wages stagnate and traditional jobs lose their luster, people are eager to be their own bosses and to step out of the grind. But where to begin? What are the real opportunities? How do you avoid becoming consumed by your business, with no room for yourself? Or, even better, how do you use your business to create more peace and freedom in your life.
Grant Sabatier has been through it all, and in this hands-on guide, he takes you through each step of the process--from finding the business that works for you, to scaling as big as you want, to selling your business--all without writing a business plan, needing investors, or sacrificing the things that are most important in your life. After all, you run your business. It should not run you.
Unlike "get rich quick" books, Inner Entrepreneur is truly comprehensive. This bookwill give you the keys to building wealth, but will also help you every step of the way, leaving no topic unexplored and offering resources and inspiring stories from people who have been there before you.
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro looking for advice on your next move, Inner Entrepreneur will help you build a business and a life you love.