Build a beautiful bouquet or a statement flower arrangement with this lavish deck of 52 cards featuring 50 gorgeous floral designs from Ariella Chezar, the beloved author of The Flower Workshop.
The Floral Deck walks you through 50 lush and unique flower arrangements from floral designer Ariella Chezar. Pick an arrangement and tuck the card in your bag on your way to the florist, flower shop, or your own garden. Use the list on the back of each card to help you choose the blooms and reference the full-color photograph on the front of the card while you make your arrangement. When you’re ready to make a new one, just grab a new card and let it inspire you to create something beautiful. Choose a single-color showstopper like Sunny Yellow or Fragrant White, or try an overflowing table arrangement like Dutch Masters or Dahlia Explosion. If you’re looking for more help creating breathtaking bouquets, there are two additional cards that include everything you need to know about building these designs, from choosing the vase to adding the final touches. If you can’t find a flower pictured on the card, floral substitution suggestions will help you achieve similarly splendorous arrangements. With laminated cards that easily wipe clean, The Floral Deck is the perfect tool for creating gorgeous arrangements for weddings, special events, or everyday joy.