★ 美國最受歡迎的暢銷童書作家Richard Scarry全新翻頁找找書
★ 學齡前孩童動手動眼找一找,從遊戲中認識交通工具的英文單字
Richard Scarry是美國最受歡迎的暢銷童書作家和插畫家,一生出版超過300本童書,被翻譯成三十種語言,全世界銷售量三億冊以上,2012 年,美國插畫家協會授予他終身成就獎。
Richard Scarry擅長用擬人化的可愛動物為主角,故事幽默生動又有趣,畫面充滿豐富的細節與繽紛的色彩,最知名的是以「忙碌鎮」為主題的一系列書籍,包括《好忙好忙的小鎮》、《好忙好忙的車子》、《好棒好棒的第一本書》、《好棒好棒的123數數書》 。作品還曾被改編成動畫片,製作成玩具,設計成互動式的大型展覽,並影響了許多插畫家。
Search for Richard Scarry's wild and wacky cars and trucks in this interactive Busytown fold-and-find storybook! Introduce babies and toddlers to Cars and Trucks and the Busy world of Richard Scarry with books made just for them! Perfect for children ages 2-5!
Richard Scarry's Busytown is a busy, busy place with so much to see and do. Now children ages two to five can join the fun with this fold-and-find book. Kids can open the gatefold pages and search for their favorite cars and trucks on each spread! A great way to introduce children to Officer Flossy, Dingo Dog and other characters in Richard Scarry's Busytown.