This collection of homegrown stories, transcribed in poetic format, reflects life along the Salmon River Valley, Idaho at the turn of the century. Delightful and timeless, Windy Stories tells the tales through the storytellers' eyes. This combination of stories and photos conveys a sense of these pioneers and their beloved place.
"An impressive publication, long in preparation, deep in its analysis of the relationship of the story-tellers to their setting, its history, to each other. History buff will see unusual slants on historic events in the unadorned narration of children of homesteaders of Idaho. This book has a place in every public library."
-Kenneth Clark PhD, University of Indiana
"A significant contribution to research into the processes and productions of oral narration. Folklorist Bennett is well equipped to classify and analyze both text and contexts of tales. The materials appear well-organized, well-written and ample illustrated. The beliefs expressed are pleasurable insights into the traditions of informants. Anyone who has floated on or backpacked into the Salmon River ought to like the humor. Parts of the book are really funny."
-Dr. Louie Attebury, University of Idaho
"Driving thru spots like the Salmon River Valley one wonders about the folks who live in those barren hills. Marjorie Bennett stopped and asked "any good storytellers around here." She turned up 6 women and 4 men willing to share a core of community tales about their barren but beloved territory. Here are the tales in their words, wrapped in her gentle chat with brief analysis of their telling styles. Windy Stories is as engaging as a novel. Storytellers, folklorists, and anyone looking for a good read will enjoy it."
-Dr. Margaret Read MacDonald, author of Scipio Storytelling: Talk in a Southern Indiana Community.