Desperate races to save lives are normal in the life of Kevin Wright, a veteran Paramedic as he works on the Texas Gulf Coast. His very active life revolves around his two daughters who would love to break onto the Olympic scene. His wife (Helen) has never respected his line of work and is embedded in the socially elite Texas society. Her job as a TV news anchor keeps her life in the spotlight and her flirtatious nature lands her in hot water more than once. A high school prank to win Kevin from his girlfriend over 20 years ago comes back to haunt her.
A plot to discredit Helen places her life and others in danger as her producer is bent on revenge for the victim of Helen's prank.Another twist of fate sends Kevin to unknowingly rescue his old girlfriend who was the target of Helen's high school prank. Over twenty years separate Kevin from his high school girlfriend (Amanda Michelle Colina) who still wears the locket Kevin gave her to mark their special date. As Michelle's own marriage hovers near disaster, Kevin attempts to keep his family together.