On Feb 7, 2003, Cpl Cox left loved ones behind, stepped into the darkness of the unknown and found himself in the midst of Operation Iraqi Freedom. WAR CHANGES LIVES... "What was it like?" Eric J Cox does an excellent job of answering this question although what you may find most astonishing is that combat was only a prelude to the psychological battles he would face. "A stark episode of one Marine's experience of the Iraq war that will resonate with millions..." -Sean Gautam, MBA, LL.M. "Hit home with my wife and has brought us closer by giving her an appreciation of what we went through..." -Jason Ream, Founder, Operation PTSD "I was hooked by the 2nd page, crying by page 20 and didn't put it down until I was finished..." -Rhondave Sitzes, Marine Mom "Written with objective precision and unbiased viewpoints, balancing the gravity of war with small nuggets of humor..." -Sean Gautam, MBA, LL.M. "Sheds light on a great struggle..." - LtCol Dean Vrable, USMC