作者簡介Ricky W. Griffin is Executive Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration at Texas A&M. He received his Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the University of Houston. His research interests include workplace violence, employee health and well-being in the workplace, and workplace culture. He has served as editor of the JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT and as an officer in the Southwest Regional Division of the Academy of Management, the Southern Management Association, and the Research Methods Division and the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management. Dr. Griffin spent three years on the faculty at the University of Missouri (Columbia) before moving to Texas A&M University in 1981. He is well respected and recognized for his organizational behavior and management research and for his many successful textbooks, including MANAGEMENT, FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS, and INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS.