圖書名稱:Sunstone. The Boy and the Dragon Princess
The imaginary island of Moight is home to a den of dragons, a community of giant, human-like Grylas and two human societies, the light-skinned Merridoc people and the dark-skinned Umwali people. The peace-loving dragons are invisible to the humans and Grylas because of mysterious rays emitted by the so-called Sunstone. They watch the warlike conduct of the Merridoc and Umwali people with contempt and disgust, until the theft of the Sunstone makes them visible to humans. Now they too must confront unfamiliar social and political behavior associated with powerlust, intolerance, fear and war.
Princess Alpha Pendragon, daughter of King Flamethrower Pendragon, takes on the task of recovering the Sunstone. Her first challenge is to learn how to deal with the fear, cruelty and abuse of power she finds amongst humans. She must also cope with discord within her own ranks of normally peace-loving dragons that, faced with the reality of war with humans, wrestle with moral issues concerning war and peace, defense and attack.
Alpha meets the challenge by forming an alliance with the youthful Will Button of the Merridoc people. The recovery of the Sunstone in the Gryla stronghold, takes place against a background of fierce confrontation between opposing forces. On one side, is the evil combination of Natas Ho, cruel leader of the Umwali people, Omega Pendragon, the dragon King's power-hungry son, and Malgat the Grylas leader. On the other side, is Alpha Pendragon, Will Button, Zoran Thunderdragon, Alpha's lieutenant and friend, and Gugu Ho, Natas Ho's daughter.
Kidnapping, attempted murder and corruption counterbalance acts of generosity, kindness and courage. With Will Button on her back, Alpha engages in a fierce and final aerial battle with Omega Pendragon and Natas Ho and defeats them. The recovery of the Sunstone makes possible the return of the dragons to their previous state of invisibility. However, lessons learnt by both dragons and humans in their brief contact with each other will live on.