Purposefully written for those coming to politics for the first time, this textbook provides an exploration and analysis of the most important political issues affecting the Developing World. Offering a different perspective from standard texts in this field, Politics in the Developing World encourages an understanding of the breadth and nature of a range of pressing - and previously understated - issues: the striving for democracy; the political consequences of economic growth and development; the struggle of religious and ethnic minorities; women's and human rights; the impact of globalization; and the politics of the natural environment.
- Purposefully written for those coming to politics for the first time, this textbook provides an exploration and analysis of the most important political issues in the Developing World.
- Offering a different perspective from standard texts in this field, Politics in the Developing World encourages an understanding of the breadth and nature of a range of pressing - and previously understated - issues.
- This new edition of the text (previously titled Third World Politics: A Concise Introduction) has been completely rewritten, taking into account changes in the Developing World in the last decade.
- An increased focus on the international relations of the Developing World to complement those chapters concerned with domestic issues and with updated regional analyses and data throughout.