A Miserable Antagonist is a comedic, heart-warming tale from the perspective of a bank teller named Baxter Burnside. Baxter’s life could be characterized as one consisting of unappealing events and vastly underwhelming conversations. Life doesn’t begin to change for him until he bumps into a tall Austrian woman named Hana. During this fortuitous moment, Baxter is invited to take part in a creative writing class where he meets five complete strangers. Their group assignment is to write a novella, and they engage in research which prepares them to be The BAD Guy.
In this hilarious, coming of middle-age, epic tale, Baxter and his co-writers embrace the dark side of the mundane. As this burgeoning group of authors act out their greatest hopes and desires, eventually plotting to rob the very bank in which Baxter works, the reader finds laughter, compassion, and desire to follow Baxter’s lead into new life.
In other words... In every person there is an antagonist waiting to break out.