Why?Home selling and buying are the largest financial transactions most of us make in a lifetime. But there’s more than money involved. Home is where we spend most of our relaxation time - and, during a pandemic, our work time - so it’s a place we need to feel comfortable and at ease. Wrong decisions can affect our financial and personal well-being. This book is designed to help anyone to buy, sell or move home, whether a house, unit or flat, with the least possible trauma. It contains information on buying and selling, building and renovating, finance and agents, as well as how to move with family and pets. Packed with helpful information, checklists and suggestions, Moving is the book for anyone considering moving home. Phil & Kylie Ridden have bought, sold and moved home around 20 times, with their family and sundry pets, with and without the aid of professionals. They’ve learnt a lot along the way. They share that knowledge with you.