The purpose of this book is to provide the reader, the believer, with comprehension and concept of the philosophy of the three doctrines: Judaism, Christianity and Mohammadianity or Mohammadiah, particularly for those who work in the field of media, science, law, the judiciary, the world of politics, school, university, teaching and the general public. It has a wide benefit for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and a clear idea near the Truth of doctrine before they mistakenly embrace a religion in this life; a rational human being has the opportunity to liberate himself in the Truth!
*We call this world the lost, deceived world, which swept away by lies and living in the loss of the Truth!
*It is impossible and beyond reason for God to hear us, harmonize with us and share with us lies, murder, terror, evil and war. We must purify and cleanse our souls from evil by the full grace of His Supreme Complete Spirit so that we may have a beautiful life and inherit eternal
peace within ourselves for our souls!
*The human creature is nature’s first enemy, harming it more than it hurts him. We hope the reader will comprehend that we understand and respect the three doctrines, but as it is said in the general proverb:
"Telling the Truth, it hurts," but it is inevitable to say it!
Thank you. We wish the world: Love, respectable Liberty and Peace! - J. E. K.