Awesome Opportunity, Priceless Gift
Six Christian writers who recognize and cherish that gift have come together in this book to share personal stories, biblical guidance, and words of encouragement for the joys and challenges of being a grandmother. Whether you are a grandmother early or late in life; whether you have one or many grandchildren; whether you are with your grandchildren on a daily or an occasional basis--you will find that these devotions "ring true" because they are written by grandmothers who have experienced universal challenges, questions, needs, and joys.
You may begin using the book at any time of the year, making your way through the months until you've completed a year's cycle. It is our hope that, in the process, you will come to have an even deeper appreciation for the awesome opportunity and priceless gift of grandmothering
--adapted from the introductionEach brief meditation begins with a passage of Scripture and ends with a prayer.