Steve grew up in the 1970’s in Oakland, California, the youngest of three brothers. As a young boy, he, like much of the country at that time, experimented with drugs, but, sadly, found he couldn’t live without them. None of the remedies his family tried for him worked - not private schools or counseling sessions or residential treatment programs - until he was in his 30’s. Then, finally, something clicked, a program worked. Steve turned his own life around and began saving others by getting them into treatment. He found that he was very good at interventions because there was nothing an addict or alcoholic could say or do to avoid treatment that Steve hadn’t at some point said or done himself. He found that sometimes he could follow the "classic intervention formula" but more often, he had to work "outside the box." He started making notes about his cases and his insights and developed intervention strategies of his own. Over several years, those notes and stories have grown into this book. He asked his mom to write about why she hired an interventionist to get him into treatment after so many other treatment programs had failed, after so many relapses. The story she wrote about his intervention is also in this book; it’s the story that many other mothers and family members might see themselves in because addiction is now an epidemic, some say, it’s even pandemic. It could be said that we need to do an intervention on our society. Today, Steve wants to help more than just one family at a time. He wants to help as many as possible, including you and yours. More Than Hope, A Guide to Interventions stands alone in terms the benefit to anyone who reads it. The information is explained in plain English and easy to understand. Some it may surprise you. A lot of it will undoubtedly help you, in some cases it may save you or someone you love. In any case, it’s information you’ll want to have.