FORGIVE & LIVE(TM) Proverbs 3:13 reads "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding." This second book in the FORGIVENESS Series by Dr. Jones takes an in-depth look into understanding the process of forgiveness. Picking up from the introductory book Repentance: The Power of Forgiveness Vol. I, Dr. Jones continues the journey into forgiveness and provides practical, meaningful insight on the importance of not only beginning the process of forgiveness, but being committed to it as to experience the full benefits of it application. "Forgiveness, for many, is a PROCESS, not an immediate action. This is one of the reasons the books in the FORGIVENESS SERIES are not hundreds of pages in length. God's wisdom, revelation, and insight along with experience & observation, has taught me that forgiveness can take time to fully embody, process, and consistently apply, even for those with the best intentions. We all need assistance in this area at some point in time and this book series is just that; a practical tool to assist readers in that process, one book at a time, one individual at a time, one DAY at a time. The Forgiveness books are purposely written in short increments as to respect the process (of forgiving) and to avoid overwhelming readers with information overload, which could possibly lead to the false notion that forgiveness is too daunting of a task to undertake, thereby making it seem like an impossible venture. But, however, forgiveness is very much possible and the FORGIVENESS SERIES, along with the FORGIVE & LIVE(TM) Workshops, are there to slowly and methodically guide the world to that final destination of freedom that is found in true forgiveness." -Dr. Antonio B. Jones