Lynn Zack Wardlaw - A resident of Savannah, Georgia and author of three books, "Me, My Torsk and God", "Jaacov" and "Louisiana Boy." The author is a retired manger for a public utility company and presently involved in lay ministry at his Church. The author considers his life a testimony of how one can follow the will of God and be just a regular everyday guy. The author believes God had led him to where he is today and his writings are a result of God’s inspiration. The author tells what happened truthfully and without regret. To be honest is one of the authors driving endeavors. The author has been married to his wife for 55 years and still believes she was God’s choice. He can’t help but love what God picked out for him. They have 18 offspring to prove this. The author had a sub career with the National Hot Rod Association of 38 years as an advisor. God is Good