J. R. Rada is the pen name for James Rada, Jr. He has written many works of historical fiction and non-fiction history. They include the popular books Saving Shallmar: Christmas Spirit in a Coal Town, Canawlers and Battlefield Angels: The Daughters of Charity Work as Civil War Nurses. His J. R. Rada pen name is used for his horror, fantasy, and young adult works. He lives in Gettysburg, Pa., where he works as a freelance writer. James has received numerous awards from the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, Associated Press, Maryland State Teachers Association, Society of Professional Journalists, and Community Newspapers Holdings, Inc. for his newspaper writing. If you would like to be kept up to date on new books being published by James or ask him questions, he can be reached by e-mail at jimrada@yahoo.com. To see J. R. Rada’s other books, go to www.jamesrada.com.