A Court of Ashes and Embers is a gripping, heart-wrenching tale of love, betrayal, and the unyielding quest for redemption. Set against the backdrop of a kingdom in ruins, the story follows Ivy, a woman torn between the ashes of her past and the embers of a future she never thought possible. Once, she and Luca were inseparable, their love forged in the fires of ambition and shared dreams. But betrayal and secrets shattered their bond, leaving a city in ruins and a heart broken beyond repair.
Now, as the last remnants of Ashford crumble to dust, Luca returns, not as the man she once knew, but as the embodiment of her pain and her torment. With his return comes the promise of both destruction and salvation. As Ivy grapples with her conflicted feelings for the man who once tore her world apart, she finds herself caught in a deadly game of power, vengeance, and forbidden alliances.
In a world where trust is a fragile thread and love is both a weapon and a curse, Ivy must decide whether to fight for the ashes of a life lost or to rise from the embers, stronger and more determined than ever.
A Court of Ashes and Embers is a tale of unspoken vows, lost hopes, and the fiery rebirth that comes when one dares to face the darkness within.