美國暢銷的《怪奇孤兒院》三部曲,如今強力回歸!歷來受歡迎的黑白復古照片,將首次以全彩呈現給讀者,營造更詭譎多變的怪奇世界觀。作者蘭森.瑞格斯(Ransom Riggs)擅長運用文字結合照片,透過兩者交互對照,描寫淋漓,營造虛實交錯的快感,使讀者身陷其中,不可自拔。
一開始簡單的蛛絲馬跡,漸漸地匯集成波曼爺爺不為人知的過去。究竟雅各所繼承的是幸福還是更大的危險?我們將追溯源頭,來到更久之前;遠在怪奇世界建立之初,比裴利隼女士(Miss Peregrine)出現之前更古老,幾乎無規則也無教條的原始新世界。一個還沒有任何人可以定義的荒原。新的敵人與危險,都在陌生的地域埋伏,在沒有任何人的幫助下,雅各如何面對突如其來的一切?一切的混沌,能獨力面對嗎?裴利隼女士與艾瑪(Emma)會再出現嗎?新的冒險即將展開。(文 / 博客來編譯)
Having defeated the monstrous threat that nearly destroyed the peculiar world, Jacob Portman is back where his story began, in Florida. Except now Miss Peregrine, Emma, and their peculiar friends are with him, and doing their best to blend in. But carefree days of beach visits and normalling lessons are soon interrupted by a discovery—a subterranean bunker that belonged to Jacob’s grandfather, Abe.
Clues to Abe’s double-life as a peculiar operative start to emerge, secrets long hidden in plain sight. And Jacob begins to learn about the dangerous legacy he has inherited—truths that were part of him long before he walked into Miss Peregrine’s time loop.
Now, the stakes are higher than ever as Jacob and his friends are thrust into the untamed landscape of American peculiardom—a world with few ymbrynes, or rules—that none of them understand. New wonders, and dangers, await in this brilliant next chapter for Miss Peregrine’s peculiar children. Their story is again fully illustrated by haunting vintage photographs, but with a striking addition for this all-new, multi-era American adventure—full color.