Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Southern Delaware) has been active in Wicca and the Pagan community since 1978 and has been teaching since 1982. He was a founding member of Keepers of the Holly Chalice and he currently serves as an elder of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He has taught at many gatherings and conferences, and he’s the author of numerous books, including Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans. Visit him at IvoDominguezJr.com.
Mat Auryn is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the multi-award-winning author of the international bestselling book Psychic Witch and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He runs the blog For Puck’s Sake on Patheos Pagan, is a teacher at Modern Witch University, and has a column in Witches & Pagans magazine entitled "Extra-Sensory Witchcraft." He has been featured in various magazines, radio shows, podcasts, books, anthologies, and other periodicals. To find out more about him and his work visit his website or follow him on Instagram @matauryn.
H. Byron Ballard, BA, MFA (Asheville, NC) is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist, and writer. She has served as a featured speaker and teacher at several festivals and conferences, including the Sacred Space Conference, Pagan Spirit Gathering, Starwood, Hexfest and many others. She serves as senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Asheville, NC. She podcasts about Appalachian folkways on "Wyrd Mountain Gals." Her essays are featured in several anthologies and she writes a regular column for SageWoman Magazine. Find her online at www.myvillagewitch.com.