Jeannette Goehring is the Budapest-based editor of Nations in Transit 2005. Previously she was an editor at New World Publishing in Budapest and project manager for inter- and non-governmental organizations, including: the New York and New Jersey Clean Ocean and Shore Trust and the United Nations in New York City, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and Freedom House in Washington, DC, and the European Parliament in Brussels. Ms. Goehring studied environmental science and policy at Central European University in Budapest, political management at George Washington University in Washington, DC, and International Area Studies at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Amanda Schnetzer is a senior fellow at Freedom House and a co-editor of the Nations in Transit series. Previously she was director of studies at Freedom House in New York and a foreign policy researcher at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Now based in Dallas, TX, Mrs. Schnetzer also serves on the board of the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations. She holds a Master’s Degree from Georgetown University and a Bachelor’s Degree from Southern Methodist University, and has published book reviews and op-eds in the Wall Street Journal Europe, the Christian Science Monitor, the Weekly Standard, and the Washington Times.