圖書簡介《The Hare and the Tortoise》是Usborne Publishing Ltd出版社,Fantastic First Reading系列其中一本。烏龜和兔子賽跑會是誰贏呢??小朋友們你們是不是認為當然是兔子阿!!因為烏龜總是慢吞吞的走怎麼可能贏得過活潑亂跳得兔子勒,可是故事結局真的是這樣嗎??這是一個非常有教育意義的故事,讓小朋友學習英文閱讀的同時,也能學習到做人做事的道理,此書在英國知名購書平台Amazon,獲得讀者5顆星的推薦。
Harry Hare thinks he is the fastest runner around, and when he suggests a race, nobody expects Tom Tortoise to even take up the challenge, let alone stand a chance of winning. But could they all be in for a big surprise?
The classic fable retold with simple text for children just beginning to read.
Humorously illustrated by Daniel Howarth.
Developed in conjunction with a reading expert from Roehampton University.
Also available as an English Learner's Edition with CD recordings in British and American English and downloadable worksheets and teacher's notes.
Available as ebook with narration in British English (on tablets that support audio).