Age 5+ Three original high-seas stories for children just beginning to read. Find out if Charlie can get rid of his pesky parrot and Molly can escape the clutches of the sneaky Captain Spike in these swashbuckling stories. Usborne Young Reading has been developed with reading experts from Roehampton University. The audio CD includes a dramatic listen-along recording with music and sound effects, followed by a read-along version with prompts for page turns. Usborne Young Reading系列全球熱銷超過1000萬冊Amazon讀者5顆星推薦專為小讀者設計的分齡學習讀本,Series2每冊單字量約1000-1500字,每頁50字,一頁共10行句子,讓孩子能循序漸進地學好英文,並從書本裡,潛移默化地打好英文基礎。主題多元,有助於小朋友培養閱讀長篇故事的能力。 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
Age 5+ Three original high-seas stories for children just beginning to read. Find out if Charlie can get rid of his pesky parrot and Molly can escape the clutches of the sneaky Captain Spike in these swashbuckling stories. Usborne Young Reading has been developed with reading experts from Roehampton University. The audio CD includes a dramatic listen-along recording with music and sound effects, followed by a read-along version with prompts for page turns. Usborne Young Reading系列全球熱銷超過1000萬冊Amazon讀者5顆星推薦專為小讀者設計的分齡學習讀本,Series2每冊單字量約1000-1500字,每頁50字,一頁共10行句子,讓孩子能循序漸進地學好英文,並從書本裡,潛移默化地打好英文基礎。主題多元,有助於小朋友培養閱讀長篇故事的能力。
Russell Punter(Author), Christyan Fox (Illustrator)