"In this updated classic, Glenn Doman-founder of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential and pioneer in the treatment of the brain-injured children-brings real hope to thousands of children who have been sentenced to a life of institutional confinement. Based upon a half-century of successful work performed at The Institutes, this book explains why old theories and techniques fail, and why the philosophy and revolutionary treatment of The Institutes succeed. In What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child, Doman recounts the story of The Institutes' worldwide research-setbacks as well as history-making breakthroughs-during its tireless effort to refine treatment of the brain injured. He shares the staff's lifesaving techniques and the tools used to measure (and ultimately improve) visual, auditory, tactile, mobile, and manual development. Doman explains the unique methods of treatment that are constantly being improved and expanded, and then describes the program with which parents are able to treat their own children at home in a familiar and loving environment. Included throughout are case histories, drawings, and helpful charts and diagrams."