This beautiful, information-packed deck--a bucket list for the serious angler and introduction for the novice--is an encyclopedia yet smaller than a fly box.
The trout of North America range from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and from the Arctic Circle to the mountains of Western Mexico. With the passion of an angler and the stunning attention to detail of a field scientist, artist James Prosek journeyed thousands of miles through the United States, Canada and Mexico to depict nearly 60 subspecies of North American trout. Those works are now reproduced here, detailing the diversity and brilliant range of colors in the species in vivid watercolors. On the back of each card is an informative description of that trout, including its region and distinctive markings. Each card offers the experience of standing in a clear stream with a seasoned guide at your side to explain what makes each trout special. No other card deck shows all of the popular varieties, much less the rare, exotic, and in some cases extinct species and subspecies, including char; Apache, Gila, and Mexican trout; rainbow, redband, and golden trout; cutthroat trout; brown trout; and Atlantic salmon.