Bette Westera is the author of Later, When I’m Big (Eerdmans) and over fifty other books for children. She has also translated books by Dr. Seuss, Astrid Lindgren, and Julie Donaldson into the Dutch language. Bette lives in the Netherlands, where her books have received two Golden Pencil awards and six Silver Pencil honors. Visit her website at
Mies van Hout is a Dutch illustrator and author whose work has been published in over twenty countries. Her books in English include
From One to Ten,
This Is My Daddy!, and
What Cats Think (all Pajama Press). Mies lives in the Drenthe province of the Netherlands. Visit her website at or follow her on Instagram @miesvanhout.
David Colmer is an Australian writer and translator of Dutch and Flemish literature. He has translated over eighty books throughout his career, including
Little Fox (Levine Querido),
I’ll Root for You, and
A Pond Full of Ink (both Eerdmans). His translations have won several prestigious awards, such as the PEN Translation Prize and the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. David lives in Amsterdam.