Filled with quizzes, self-tests, personal vignettes, and advice from other teens, a leading organizer, along with her teenaged daughter, applies her patented technique, 'Organizing from the Inside Out,' to the world of teens, providing a wealth of valuable organizational tips that will help relieve the stress teens face on a daily basis. Original.
這本《收納其實很容易──管好自己》青少年版(Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens) 由美國整理專家Julie Morgenstern和女兒Jessi Morgenstern-Colon合著,是任何一位渴望有效整理空間的青少年可以參考的書。書中詳述造成空間凌亂的各種原因及對症下藥的方法,及在開始整理前後應有的、讓自己不致浪費太多時間的動作。這個版本用的英文甚至比Julie Morgenstern原版的《收納其實很容易──管好自己》更簡單,也附上許\多圖例,讀者只要英文有台灣高中的程度,就能讀的懂了。