"I'll begin with the most general and work my way deductively to more specific terms. Communication--the processes by which information is exchanged (speaking, writing, semaphore, etc.). Disorder--a disturbance of structure, function, or both (Dirckx, 1997) (or, to state it differently: Something's wrong). Communication disorder--impairment in the ability to receive, process, represent, or transmit information (Nicolosi, Harryman, & Kresheck, 1989) (Something's wrong with communication. More specifically, something is wrong with speech, language, or hearing. By the way, the term communication disorders quite often applies to the field of study that encompasses speech-language pathology and audiology. I've been using communication sciences and disorders because 1) I strongly believe that the element of science is crucial to our understanding of communication and 2) that's the name of the department in which I'm employed. Language disorders--disorders affecting 1) the way you say (or write) your message and/or 2) your ability to understand the messages of others. Speech disorders--disorders affecting how one verbally produces language. These include impairments of articulation (sound pronunciation), fluency (most often stuttering), resonance (such as nasality--think Fran Drescher), or voice (e.g., hoarseness--Rod Stewart--or breathiness--Marilyn Monroe [Sorry youngsters;"--Provided by publisher.