圖書名稱:The Events of October: Murder-Suicide on a Small Campus
In October 1999, Kalamazoo College student Neenef Odah killed his ex-girlfriend in his dorm room and then killed himself. The author, a professor of English at Kalamazoo College, details the events of that night and the many factors that led to it, within the context of larger issues of intimate partner violence, gun accessibility, and depression and suicide on campus. Her detailed narrative of the days before and after the tragedy combines fact, memory, interviews, and court testimony, in addition to text messages and e-mails between the couple. The author also discusses her own role as a teacher and mentor to students affected by the tragedy. B&w photos are included. The book concludes with warning signs of a potentially abusive relationship and a report from a Kalamazoo task force on violence against women. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)