Peter Casarella is Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame and co-editor with Mun’im Sirry of Finding Beauty in the Other: Theological Reflections across Religious Traditions (Herder & Herder, 2019). His last monograph was entitled Word as Bread: Language and Theology in Nicholas of Cusa (Aschendorff, 2017). He has also written articles and book chapters on Latinx Theology, Pope Francis, theological aesthetics, symbol and sacrament, Christian spirituality in the modern and postmodern age, faith and reason, the problem of conscience, and many other topics. Gabriel Said Reynolds did his doctoral work at Yale University in Islamic Studies. Currently he researches the Qur’an and Muslim/Christian relations and is Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology in the Department of Theology at Notre Dame. He is the author of The Qur?an and the Bible (Yale 2018), and Allah: God in the Qur’an (Yale 2020), among other works.