"The original textbook by Dr. Susan Penner was written 20 years ago as the Introduction to Health Care Economics and Financial Management: Fundamental Concepts with Practical Application. It has helped nurses, nurse leaders, students, and faculty to understand, develop knowledge, and gain competency in the often complex world of finance and economics. It has been a very thorough and practical book for both the classroom and practice environments. We want to thank Dr. Penner for her vision and the execution of a resource that has stood the test of time and changing healthcare and reimbursement environments. Furthermore, we are humbled and grateful that Dr. Penner would entrust her life’s work to us in revising the fourth edition of Economics and Financial Management for Nurses and Nurse Leaders, so many more generations of nurses may benefit from her wisdom. To honor Dr. Penner, it is with these sentiments in mind that we’ve renamed the book Penner’s Economics and Financial Management for Nurses and Nurse Leaders, Fourth Edition"--