★寶寶最愛躲貓貓!Where’s Mr. Lion?獅子先生在哪裡?
★board book書頁厚實+可觸摸、翻看的不織布
★瑞典設計師Ingela P Arrhenius的插圖,色彩鮮明、充滿童趣
草原上的動物們都躲到哪兒去了?長頸鹿太太、鱷魚先生、大象太太、獅子先生在哪裡?重複使用Where’s 句型,培養幼兒的英文語感、認識動物,伸出小手摸一摸,掀開橘色、紫色、綠色、粉紅色、黃色的不織布瞧一瞧,動物就在這裡。And where are you? 不織布後方還藏了一面小圓鏡,There you are! 我最愛的小寶貝,就是你。
Winner of the Sainsbury's Children's Book Award 2017.
Five beautifully illustrated spreads show a series of friendly savannah animals hiding behind bright felt flaps. And there's a mirror on the final page! A perfect book to share with very little ones.
A bright, bold board book with a felt flap on every spread - little hands won't let it go!