We believe that this book will be very encouraging to people who are in the final years of their lives. We carefully explain what the Bible says about overcoming the fear of death. The health challenges that people experience on earth will disappear in heaven. Blind people will see. Deaf people will hear. Everyone in heaven is in perfect health. Heaven is indescribably beautiful because its Architect and Builder is God. God has created a magnificent eternal home for His children that is far beyond the limited comprehension of our human understanding. Nothing in the world can remotely compare with the magnificent place that God has provided for our eternal home.The Bible says that everyone in heaven is cleansed of all impurities that they had on earth. Every person in heaven is kind and loving. No one in heaven is proud or self-centered. Every person in heaven puts God first, other people second and themselves last. There are no sad people in heaven. Every person in heaven is filled with joy. Christians will live a glorious problem-free and pain-free life throughout eternity. The happiest day you have experienced during your life on earth cannot remotely compare with the supernatural joy that every person in heaven continually experiences.